Wednesday, 1 January 2014

New Year New Post

This blog is primarily for penning my thoughts down as I step into a new phase of my life. I probably should have started this blog six months back when I came to know that I was going to be a mother. But strangely, this thought never entered my head then.

I was skeptical about writing about my condition in the regular blog that I have. I didn't want to declare it to the whole world about it. Perhaps that's why I never thought about it.

But two days back, an idea struck me that I should start a new blog. I wouldn't share it with all, at least at the moment. And I'll still get a forum to write. So what better time than the New Year day!

I am fully aware that such blogs would be abundant in the world of expectant, new, or even experienced mother writing down her thoughts, experiences, and wisdom. So this blog won't be something radically different.

But for me, it's still going to be a nice outlet to my thoughts.

I'll stop here for today. From tomorrow onwards, I'll start right from the beginning.

Happy New Year!

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