Thursday, 29 May 2014

Being A Mother

Today I have finally got time after around one and half months of being a mother. I was blessed with a beautiful daughter on 14-April-2014. We haven't named her yet, although her name is finalized.

As with some girls, I did not get that shock when I finally saw my bundle of joy in front of my eyes. When I heard her cry for the first time in the operation theatre, it was truly exciting. I was waiting to see her. My doctor brought her before me and I was overjoyed. I cannot express what I felt then, but it was a beautiful moment of realisation that I was a mother now. Other feelings followed after the initial ecstasy.

Truly, it's a joy being a mother, I guess. Well, am I writing contradictory statements? Not really. The reason is that every girl's emotions run wild when she finally becomes a mother. If it's been a natural delivery, the after delivery pains are less. However, if it is a c-section, then you need to cope up with quite a bit of pain and are not sure about a lot of things.

First, you cannot get up from the bed for two days and cannot handle the baby properly. Your milk flow might be affected due to various reasons. Breast feeding becomes a challenge. Your baby is so small and beautiful and fragile, you do not know what to do with it. You cannot understand why the baby is crying, what to do.

One of the first things that you realise about your baby is that it is so very helpless. The baby is totally dependent on you for everything. Literally everything. And that itself makes you feel so responsible. The mother is everything for them. No wonder kids think the world of their mothers.

As every day progresses, you get used to your baby, start understanding your baby's moods, her wants, likes, dislikes. You ensure that your baby is comfortable, protected, cosy, and happy.

The first few weeks are the most difficult. You are fumbling with your new-found status of motherhood. The baby is also adjusting to the surroundings and new routine outside the womb. The whole household almost revolves round the baby.

My baby is of one and half months and it's only now that I have become a bit relaxed and started enjoying motherhood. The initial days are difficult and sometimes damn frustrating. Through this blog, I'll try and put down my experiences and learnings. That will probably help other first time mothers too.

And now I must stop. My bundle of joy is waiting for me. :)